macro_rules! blocking_retry {
    ($attempts:expr, $delay_ms:expr, $expr:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Retry a given expression a specified number of times with a delay between each attempt. This will block the current thread until a value is resolved or the maximum number of attempts is reached.


  • attempts - The number of attempts to make.
  • delay_ms - The delay in milliseconds between each attempt.
  • expr - The expression to be retried.


Returns a Result containing the value of the expression if it succeeds within the specified number of attempts, or an error if it fails on all attempts.


use switchboard_solana::blocking_retry;

// Retry a blockhash fetch 3 times with a delay of 500ms in between each failure
let blockhash = blocking_retry!(3, 500, rpc.get_latest_blockhash())
    .map_err(|e| OnDemandError::SolanaBlockhashFetchError(Arc::new(e)))?;